Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Project #13 - Utopia/Distopia

I chose to shoot things that would make people feel like they were in a utopia or a dystopia. To apply different moods, I made the dystopia photos darker, and the utopia photos lighter with more saturated colors.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Project #13 - Prework

The Truman Show
  • It's a utopia because he's in like the perfect world
  • It's a dystopia because everyone was pretending and he was always being watched

Here's the Plan
  • Utopia because of all the bright, saturated colors and music
  • Dystopia because it got darker and they weren't able to follow their dream

  • Utopia because the children were able to break free
  • Dystopia because their mouths were zipped shut and they were all uniform. It was also dark and polluted.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Project #12 - Final Animation

In this animation Catwoman steals a diamond, but then Batman steals it back. I put a white board behind them so I could make speech bubbles. I also used thin string to make Batman fly and to have him throw his batarang.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Inspiring Stop Animation

I like how they showed the changing of the seasons and how they were able to show animals jumping.

I like how the person was like a giant and shook the earth.

I like how smoothly this video played. It doesn't look like it would be stop motion.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Project #11 - Magazine Mockup

In this project, I walked on a trail and took pictures, I also took pictures of my chickens. Then I made an outdoor magazine using lightroom, photoshop, and indesign. I also made an ad for chicken feed.