Friday, January 18, 2019

Reflections of 1st Semester

In this semester, I have discovered Romain Venot. I like his photographs because he captures really good lighting and and he photographs a lot of caves which is cool. I've learned elements of photography like rule of thirds and leading lines. I have also learned about aperture and shutter speed. My favorite project was probably the research and emulation, because that time I actually used my digital camera, but for the next projects I will bring it to class. What I'm most interested to learn in second semester is surrealism and stop animation. I also really want to take pictures of nature.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Emulation and Final Edited Photo

In this project, I found a photo that interested me, and then took pictures that connected to that photograph. I chose one photo that I thought related best, then edited it and put it into photoshop next to the photo I was emulating.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Project #5 - Basic PS and Camera Controls

In this project, we took photos of shallow depth of field, deep depth of field, blurred motion, and frozen motion. Then we edited the photos in light room and put them into photoshop to make a before and after template.