Monday, October 15, 2018

Best Edited Photos

   In this project, I learned how to use Lightroom to edit photos and make a contact sheet. I choose these as my best photos because a lot of them are colorful, and they are clear.

Rule of Thirds
 I took this photo by putting the Lincoln statue in on of the corners.

Frame Within a Frame
I used the window as a frame for the library inside.

Close Up
I took this photo by getting really close to the flower.

Birds Eye View
I took this photo by standing at the top of the stairs looking straight down.

Bugs Eye View
I took this photo by starting at the ground, and then taking a panorama to the top of the building.

Leading Lines
This is a bench that I took a photo of from the side.

This photo is of a fountain and I am standing above it looking down.

Filling the Frame
This is paint on a statue that fills the entire frame.


  1. I liked the use of color in filling the frame

  2. I really like the colors and the shadows in this image - they make it look very interesting and cool.

  3. I like the desaturation of the colors in the diagonals photo

  4. I like how you included the panorama angle in your technique, because it added an entire other element to the photo.
